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Kati Frantz 🇳🇬

Auth0 Ambassador


Kati Frantz is a software engineer and Auth0 Ambassador passionate about mentoring and training other developers. He’s published over 150 hours of training resources on Udemy with over 65 000 students. He’s worked with multiple teams and startups across the world to build powerful, modern, performant and scalable web applications. He is also a speaker and author of the Deploying Nodejs book. He is currently the core maintainer of the open-source headless CMS and API builder Tenseijs.

Social Media

Web Performance: Little Secrets for a Faster User Experience

The web is changing, and fast. The speed of your application is a huge deciding factor for your customers. Understanding the best practices to build performant web applications is an essential skill for any web developer. In this talk, you will learn simple, powerful tips and tricks that you can use in your real production sites to get perfect performance scores and improve core business metrics. You'll understand the best Web optimization strategies for data fetching, latency, Javascript, and more.